A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies

Delta 9 THC, unlike its younger cousin, Delta 8 THC, doesn’t need as much of an introduction to those familiar with cannabis. But there may be some unanswered questions to the new consumer wanting to join the Delta 9 family.

Before we dive into the specifics of Delta 9 vapes and Delta 9 gummies, let’s get the basics out of the way so we can get to the fun part!

Brief Introduction to Delta 9 THC

What Exactly is Delta 9 THC?

Amongst hundreds of cannabinoids, Delta 9 THC, or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, holds a place at the top. Not only is it the most recognizable cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, but it is also the most abundant.

Cannabis plants are versatile and complex, playing a huge role in the booming cannabis industry. This industry continues to thrive as many U.S. states have legalized the use of marijuana, but another major factor is the legality of hemp-derived Delta 9 products.

Originating from cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants, Delta 9 is a highly psychoactive cannabinoid offering a unique and euphoric experience for its users.

Hemp-derived Delta 9 THC comes from, you guessed it, a hemp plant instead of a cannabis plant. The main difference between hemp and cannabis plants is the amount of THC that naturally occurs in each. Cannabis contains higher levels of Delta 9 THC than hemp.

Both THC from hemp and cannabis have Delta 9 THC, which is the component that makes you feel the classic ‘high’ associated with cannabis use.

cannabis, hemp, marijuana, sativa, indica, hybrid, Delta 9

Why Choose Delta 9 Hemp-Derived Products?

Delta 9 hemp-derived products are a great choice for those consumers living in a state where marijuana is not yet legalized. It is also a great alternative for many people living in states where cannabis is legalized due to the convenience of ordering online. Placing an order online is much easier for some people than making the trek to a dispensary.

Many users experience feelings of euphoria, calming sensations, heightened sensory perception, and an elevated state of mind.

There are also some negative side effects to look out for when using Delta 9 THC. Some users report dry mouth, red/dry eyes, dizziness, and feelings of paranoia.

It is important to note that every person metabolizes cannabinoids differently, so the effects you feel from Delta 9 could differ. It is always recommended to consult with your physician if you have any hesitations about using hemp-derived THC products.

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Brand Reputation is Key

As with any hemp product, safety should be a priority when using Delta 9 products. Always make sure you are purchasing from reputable sources that conducts third-party testing to ensure quality, safety, and potency.

Never be afraid of doing research to discover what brand is best for you. A mention of third-party testing is important, but the key is having test results available on a company’s website for each product.

Reputable brands should also have great support teams that are available to help answer any questions you may have prior to purchasing a product.

Now that we have discussed a couple key points, let’s get into Delta 9 vapes and Delta 9 gummies to see which product would be right for you!

Delta 9 THC Vapes

Along with gummies, vaping is one of the most popular methods of using Delta 9 THC. Though there are numerous other Delta 9 products on the market – from Delta 9 drink enhancers to Delta 9 tinctures – vaping has remained one of the top choices among consumers for many different reasons.

Let’s jump into what makes vaping a great option, and why it is a preferred method among consumers.

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Elevating Your Smoking Experience

When you think of smoking cannabis, what method comes to the forefront of your mind? Lighting up a joint or a blunt? Maybe pulling out a pipe or bong to smoke a bowl?

While the traditional ways of smoking cannabis flower have their merits, vaping also comes with positives that many users enjoy, and may even prefer.

Vapes are compact, handheld devices that heat oil containing Delta 9 THC, allowing the user to inhale the resulting vapor. While the vapor may have a smell to it once exhaled, it is more mild and less likely to linger than a joint, blunt, or bowl.

Another positive is that vaping is much more discreet and less of a hassle than a traditional method of smoking. You don’t need any extra equipment – like a lighter, papers, a grinder, a piece – when vaping. Once you have the device in your hand, you are all set!

Some people like the process of grinding the flower, rolling a joint, or packing a bowl. If you are not one of those people, then vaping may be the best option for you!

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies

Disposable Delta 9 THC Vapes and Cartridges

If you decide that you want to try vaping Delta 9, you have one other choice to consider. Should you use a disposable vape pen, or a cartridge? Both disposable vape pens and cartridges (often referred to as carts) come with their own positives and negatives.

Disposable Delta 9 THC Vapes

Let’s start with disposable vapes. The main draw for many consumers is the convenience of a disposable. You’re ready to start enjoying your Delta 9 as soon as you take it out of the box!

Some disposables are rechargeable, so you may need to find a compatible charger to ensure that you can enjoy every last drop of Delta 9 THC oil. The good news is, many disposables need chargers that you can commonly find in your household, like USB-C and Micro-USB chargers.

Most disposables are sleek and small enough to easily fit in your pocket or purse. The convenience that comes with a disposable vape makes it a great choice for new users, and experienced users, alike.

Delta 9 THC Vape Cartridges

Cartridges bring a lot to the table, too. Some users may be turned off by the need to buy a compatible battery to be able to use the cart. But once you have a battery, it is long-lasting and rechargeable (most batteries will come with a charger, too).

Cartridges are also generally less expensive than your typical disposable Delta 9 vape. This, of course, depends on the company you purchase from.

The logic behind carts being cheaper is that you are only purchasing the cart itself with the oil inside and not a battery each time, as you do with a disposable.

If your cart were to get clogged, click here for tips and tricks on how to unclog your cart, and how to help prevent clogs from happening in the future.

Ultimately, in the battle between Delta 9 carts and Delta 9 disposables, it simply comes down to what the user prefers.

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies

Quick Relief with Delta 9 Vapes

If you are someone who hates waiting for the effects of Delta 9 to take hold, vaping may be the way to go due to its fast-acting nature. When you vape, the Delta 9 goes directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This results in a much faster onset of effects than edibles, which many people appreciate.

In a battle of convenience, this puts vapes slightly above gummies for some users.

Quick Fade with Delta 9 Vapes

One drawback to some consumers is that the effects felt from vaping dissipate faster than the effects felt from gummies. This may cause you to use your vape more often once the effects start to fade.

Delta 9 THC Gummies

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies

A Fruity Way to Experience THC

Another popular product derived from the hemp plant are Delta 9 gummies. These edibles are a sweet, convenient way to consume THC for recreational purposes.

Delta 9 gummies generally come in a variety of fruit flavors, each packed with the goodness of Delta 9 THC. Whether you like watermelon, black raspberry, or strawberry, there is a Delta 9 gummy flavor that is right for you.

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies
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The Sweet Positives of Delta 9 Gummies

Gummies are a wonderful, and discreet, way to enjoy Delta 9. They are unassuming as they look just like a typical gummy candy. No one would be the wiser if you decide to pop a gummy in a situation that calls for subtlety.

Gummies are long-lasting and users sustain the Delta 9 effects much longer than when using a vape. Some users report effects lasting for up to six hours, or longer.

One positive when compared to other Delta 9 edibles is the extended shelf-life of gummies. Gummies are longer lasting than a brownie or cookie that would become stale much more quickly. It is important to store gummies properly, so always check the package for any tips on how to extend the shelf-life even further!

The Sour Negatives of Delta 9 Gummies

The main negative associated with Delta 9 gummies, and edibles in general, is the time it takes for the effects to be felt. The gummies need to be metabolized by your body, and for some users, it can take 30-90 minutes for any effects to be felt.

First Time Trying Delta 9 Gummies?

For first-time users, a common question is, “How many Delta 9 gummies should I consume?” Start slow, you can always take more! It is recommended to wait at least two hours prior to taking another gummy.

For any questions concerning the proper dosing of Delta 9 vapes and Delta 9 gummies, click here.

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies
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Understanding the Legal Landscape of Delta 9 THC

Many people have the same question regarding THC from hemp: how are companies able to sell Delta 9 hemp products in states that have yet to legalize recreational, or medical, marijuana use? Federal law, since Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill, permits the sale of hemp-derived THC products containing less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC by dry weight.

The bill led to a proliferation of hemp-derived cannabinoids in the market.

Still, laws regarding hemp-derived Delta 9 for recreational use vary by state. It’s always important to check local laws before purchasing.

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies
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Will Delta 9 THC Show Up on a Drug Test?

Yes, consuming Delta 9 could cause you to fail a drug test. Even though it is derived from hemp and is federally legal, Delta 9 is still THC, a compound most drug tests are designed to detect.

The Difference Between CBD and Delta 9 THC

CBD (Cannabidiol) and Delta 9 are both cannabinoids, but they interact differently with the body. The main difference is that CBD is not psychoactive like Delta 9. Most people use CBD for its potential health benefits without experiencing the “super baked” or euphoric high associated with Delta 9.

A Deep-Dive into Delta 9 Vapes and Delta 9 Gummies


In conclusion, both Delta 9 THC vapes and gummies offer unique experiences to users interested in exploring hemp-derived cannabinoids.

The cannabis industry continues to innovate and develop new forms and flavors of these products. Whether you are smoking a vape pen or enjoying a Delta 9 gummy, always remember to take the recommend dose if you are a new user and to be aware of any changes to legality that your state may implement. As always, consult your primary physician or a before starting any cannabis regimen.

Stay safe and have fun with your Delta 9 gummies, vapes, or both!

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