Delta 9 Drinks

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Edibles Vapes Tinctures Drinks Concentrates Merch
(170) $39.99
(51) From: $5.99

Discover the Magic of 3CHI's Delta 9 Drinks

Welcome to 3CHI, where we blend the magic of Delta 9 THC with refreshing beverages to create an experience like no other. Our Delta 9 drinks are not just a sip into relaxation but a journey into a new realm of taste and tranquility.

What is Delta 9?

Delta 9, a primary THC compound found in the cannabis plant, is known for its psychoactive effects. Unlike other edibles, Delta 9 drinks offer a unique way to enjoy the benefits of THC without the need to smoke.

Our THC drink options utilize Delta 9 THC derived from hemp, making these delightful cannabis beverages legal and perfect for those looking for drinking alternative that's still full of flavor and ripe with cannabinoids.

The Unique Blend in Every Can

Each bottle of our Delta 9 THC drink is a perfect mix of natural flavors, citric acid, and water soluble THC, ensuring not just great taste but also a consistent potency. Our drinks are gluten free and made with hemp-derived Delta 9 THC, ensuring a quality experience every time.

Experience the Difference

Delta 9 drinks stand out from other edibles due to their potent effects and enjoyable flavor profiles. Whether you're looking for relaxation after a long day or just a pleasant way to unwind, our drinks are the perfect choice.

Shop Responsibly

Remember to enjoy our THC products responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations. Visit our website for more information on our products and their legal status in your country.

The 3CHI Promise

At 3CHI, we are committed to providing the highest quality cannabis and hemp products. Our Delta 9 drinks are a testament to this promise, offering a sip of magic with every bottle. We want to help control the direction of the sale of cannabis and other cannabinoids products so that people have a drink alternative to booze, but can also experience the potential benefits of a Delta 9 THC drink.

Delta 9 THC Drinks FAQ

Delta 9 drinks provide a unique way to experience the effects of THC. They offer a stronger dose compared to some other edibles, leading to a sense of relaxation and well-being. The social effects that people like is the ability to sip on something in a social setting without feeling left out.

Yes, consuming Delta 9 can result in a positive drug test. It's important to be aware of this if you're subject to testing. Even though these products are federally legal, you are still responsible for passing a drug test, as your employer may have different rules to employment than federal regulations.

Delta 9 is federally legal under certain conditions, such as when derived from hemp and containing less than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis. However, always check your local laws as regulations can vary.

The effects of Delta 9 drinks can vary based on body weight, metabolism, and potency. Generally, our drinks take effect within 5-30 minutes.

Yes, Delta 9 THC products are not for persons under the age of 21. They should not be used if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive under the influence. Always consult a doctor or physician before use.

Our customers love the unique blend of flavor, quality, and potency that our Delta 9 drinks offer. With a range of flavors to choose from, there's something for every palate. Our THC drink selection offers various flavors, potencies, and methods of consumption depending on your preference.