Sativa THC Gummies & Exercise – The Perfect Pair

Sativa THC Gummies & Exercise - The Perfect Pair

Calling all fitness warriors and wellness enthusiasts! We’re incorporating sativa gummies into your exercise routine. Responsibly of course.

Here at 3CHI, our passion for pioneering in the realm of hemp derived products keeps us continuously on our toes.

But here’s an exciting twist: more fitness junkies are integrating our much-loved Delta 8 gummies and Delta 9 gummies into their exercise routines.

And the allure?

Beyond the potential for a holistic wellness approach, the incorporation of these hemp derived delta THC delights with a workout may offer an enhanced exercise experience. From potentially aiding muscle recovery to possibly enhancing relaxation post-workout, THC gummies seem to be redefining fitness journeys.

So, let’s lace up and delve into this promising synergy of THC and fitness.

Understanding the Magic of Hemp Derived Delta 9 & Delta 8

Hemp can be made into gummies, full spectrum CBD, hemp derived Delta 9 gummies, and other Delta 9 THC products.

Navigating the vast landscape of hemp and CBD industries can feel like a journey of its own. Especially when you’re diving into the depths of hemp derived THC, it’s pivotal to have a grasp of the nuances that set them apart.

Delta 9 THC

Delta 9 THC can be used in Delta 9 THC edibles, Delta 9 gummies, and can be paired with other cannabinoids in gummies and common marijuana products.

This is the most well-known cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. When most people think of THC or cannabis, this is what they’re envisioning. Consuming Delta 9 THC gummies may lead to more pronounced and potent euphoric effects than other hemp derived delta products.

It’s important to note that Delta 9 THC is not always federally legal. However, the hemp derived Delta 9 THC is derived from the hemp plant and is crafted to remain within the legal limit. It’s crucial to be wary of local laws when considering Delta 9 products, as they’re not legal in every state, regardless of federal legislation.

Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 is also commonly used. 3CHI has products with both Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC. The Delta 9 gummies don't always have Delta 8 involved because the Delta 9 THC might be more sought after from those used to traditional Delta 9 gummies with Delta 9 THC as found in marijuana. With the Farm Bill, products like Delta 9 gummies can't have more then 0.3% Delta 9 THC.

A lesser-known sibling of Delta 9, Delta 8 THC is found in lower concentrations in the cannabis plant. Its popularity in the hemp market is due to its potential to offer a more relaxed, less potent experience than Delta 9.

Being hemp derived, it’s crafted to align with the federal law, specifically the Farm Bill, which has made certain cannabinoids from hemp plants federally compliant. But, much like its counterpart, it’s crucial to stay informed about local laws.

How They Work in the Body

Both Delta 9 and Delta 8 interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is known to regulate various functions like mood, appetite, and even stress relief.

When consuming THC in the form of edibles, such as Delta 9 THC gummies or Delta 8 gummies, they travel through the digestive system, leading to a slower release of THC into the bloodstream. This provides a gradual onset of their potential effects. With any and all hemp products, it’s also good to know where the legal lines are to make sure you stay within them.

Farm Bill & Its Impact

The 2018 Farm Bill allowed for Delta 9 THC products such as Delta 9 gummies federally legal, as long as they're made from hemp and have no more than 0.3% THC in dry weight.

The 2018 Farm Bill was a game-changer for the hemp and CBD industries. This legislation federally legalized hemp and all hemp derived products, including certain cannabinoids.

However, to be classified as hemp, Delta 9 THC content in any product must not exceed 0.3% on a dry weight basis. This bill has been instrumental in the rise of hemp derived delta 9 and Delta 8 THC products in the market.

Will Hemp Derived Products Like Delta 9 or Delta 8 Gummies Show Up on a Drug Test?

If you eat our Delta 9 gummies, there is a strong chance that Delta 9 THC will show on your drug test. Since they screen for the metabolites, Delta 9 THC is likely to test positive.

Navigating the realm of hemp derived Delta 9 and its relationship with drug tests can be a tad tricky. While these products, like our Delta 9 THC gummies, are farm bill compliant and have less THC by dry weight, it’s essential to understand they still contain THC.

Now, here’s the crux: even federally legal products might show up on a drug test. The main difference between marijuana and hemp derived Delta 9 THC is the THC concentration.

But when consuming THC edibles or gummies, even in amounts compliant at the federal level, there’s still a possibility of testing positive. Always be informed and cautious if you’re in a situation where drug testing is a concern.

A Note on Quality

Whether you’re choosing Delta 8 or Delta 9 THC gummies, ensure they are third party lab tested. At 3CHI, our commitment is unwavering in offering gummies made from naturally occurring ingredients, ensuring you’re consuming products that adhere to high standards of purity.

It all starts with US-grown, organic hemp. Then after extraction, we manufacture and in-house test every single product. We then send each already-tested product out for third party lab testing. That lab is DEA-accredited, giving it an even more credible stamp of approval.

As you embark on this THC-infused journey, always remember to be informed, stay within legal guidelines, and listen to your body. Every individual’s experience with THC, be it Delta 8 or Delta 9, is unique, so find what works best for you and enjoy responsibly.

Why Hemp Derived THC Gummies Might Be Your New Secret Weapon

At 3CHI, we make a difference in the gummy world. From more or less potent gummies for purchase, full spectrum to broad, and other hemp derived Delta 9 gummies and products.

In recent years, the cannabis and fitness worlds have seen an exciting convergence. More fitness enthusiasts are exploring how hemp products might enhance their workout and recovery experiences.

Whether it’s the potential calming effects of Delta 8 THC or the reported euphoric sensations from hemp derived Delta 9 THC, many are curious about integrating these into their routines.

Tapping into the benefits of the cannabis plant and its hemp derived cannabinoids, THC gummies stand out as a popular choice. Easy to consume, available in various flavors, and possibly beneficial in terms of stress relief and muscle recovery, they’re quickly becoming a staple in many gym bags.

Before diving into your next set or post-workout stretch, let’s explore why these gummies might just be the game-changer you’ve been searching for.

The Multi-Faceted Potential of THC in Fitness

Hemp and its organic ingredients can help make hassle free products like hemp derived Delta 9 THC gummies, a gummy with lower or high potency, or other full spectrum products.

Depending on your goals and how you intend to use hemp derived delta products in your fitness regimen, certain products might be better for you than others.

Maybe a potentially more uplifting effect might produce a better mind-muscle connection. Or maybe you’re stressed out when you get to the gym after work, where a heavier CBD dominant gummy would be more your speed.

Either way, start with determining what it is you think is missing in your routine, and find it in our vast lineup of THC gummies.

Easing into Recovery

After those intense HIIT sessions or weightlifting marathons, some fitness enthusiasts report that THC gummies might assist in easing muscle discomfort, leading to quicker recovery.

After an intense workout, your cortisol (fight or flight hormone) is high. The goal is to get that down as quickly as possible. Some people live there, in that high stress state, which can negatively affect one’s health. Some THC gummies might help you come down a little bit, helping you relax from that high stress state.

Sleep Like a Champion

One underrated aspect of any fitness journey is the quality of sleep. There’s chatter that THC edibles, including gummies, might promote better sleep quality, improving muscle recovery overnight.

With better sleep comes better…everything.

There’s not much that a good night’s rest can’t help. It’s how our bodies recover. So if your sleep quality improves, your training sessions are likely to get better. Thus, it will be easier and faster to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Stay Motivated

For some, the calming effects of Delta 8 and hemp derived Delta 9 THC could potentially help with mental focus and determination during workouts, especially during those challenging days.

If you’ve done anything long enough, you’ve likely overthought something you’ve done a million times. Whether it be a lifting movement, swinging a golf club, sometimes our brains just don’t want to do it. A gummy might help you get out of your head so you can just ‘grip it and rip it’ how you need to.

Appetite Enhancements

For those looking to gain muscle, the increased appetite often associated with THC could be a boon. Proper nutrition is crucial post-workout, and having a healthy appetite ensures muscle-building nutrients are consumed.

It’s never advisable to force-feed yourself, but if you’re low on calories for your day and not feeling that hungry, a THC gummy might help spur an appetite.

Gummies and Gym: Best Practices for a Harmonious Pairing

Hemp derived Delta 9 THC gummies may have a high potency, but each user's experiences varies on other factors, including the potential for any negative effects. Do not take the amount of Delta 9 THC gummies as shown above.

Start Slow and Steady

If you’re new to THC from hemp, begin with lower concentrations to gauge your body’s reaction. The last thing you want is a potential psychoactive effect that may hinder your ability to perform movements safely. Start ‘low and slow.’

Timing is Everything

Remember, edibles take time. Consuming them well before your workout or afterward is advisable. Depending on the type of experience you want to have, you’ll want to time your gummies to kick in at your desired time.

Stay Informed and Safe

Activities such as driving or operating heavy machinery post-gummy intake should be avoided.

Be sure that you’re not operating any machinery such as driving if you’re experiencing any psychoactive effects.

Before you add any hemp derived delta products to our regimen, it’s never a bad idea to consult a healthcare professional.

Exploring the Research: THC and Exercise

There is still a lot of research that needs to be done to explore benefits and any potential negative effects with mixing exercise and hemp derived Delta 9 THC gummies.

As cannabis products continually weave their way into our daily lives, it’s crucial to understand their potential effects, especially when it comes to fitness. Though the combination of THC and exercise has become a growing trend, extensive research is still in its infancy. But let’s dive into what we know so far.

A study from CU Boulder provides some fascinating insights. In this research, 80% of cannabis users reported mixing cannabis and workouts. Here’s a breakdown of the findings:

  • 70% claim it heightens their exercise enjoyment.
  • 78% believe Delta 9 THC plays a role in boosting their recovery.
  • Over half, at 52%, feel it serves as a motivating factor.

Further shedding light on these benefits, another study focusing on older adults had an interesting revelation. Those consuming cannabis, possibly through THC edibles or Delta 9 gummies, were more active than those who abstained.

A reason for this might be tied to the desired effects of THC. As we age, we often face increased physical discomfort. Many older adults report that THC helps alleviate these aches, thus promoting more movement.

It’s worth noting that while these studies present promising findings, more comprehensive research is needed. The human body’s response to THC, be it through edibles, full spectrum CBD, or gummies, can vary due to numerous factors. Whether it’s genetics, personal tolerance, or the consumption method, these elements can influence the overall experience.

Gummies, especially Delta 9 gummies and those infused with full spectrum ingredients, are an increasingly popular choice for many. Their non GMO composition and potential benefits make them a sought-after option for those looking to merge their love for cannabis and fitness.

And with the presence of hemp derived Delta 9 in some of these products, they’re designed to cater to a broader audience.

While early testimonies and studies hint at the positive intertwining of THC and exercise, the road to comprehensive understanding is still ahead. As we await further research, listening to our body and prioritizing our well-being remains paramount.

If you’re intrigued, always start slow, monitor your reactions, and enjoy the journey of discovery responsibly.

Wrapping It Up

Always use your best judgment and be safe when trying the combination of exercise and Delta 9 gummies or any Delta 9 THC products.

As we lace up our sneakers and dive into the evolving world of hemp products, it’s evident that combining exercise with hemp derived cannabinoids can be a game-changer for many. Though more research is needed, there are plenty of claims users have made in its defense.

Derived from both hemp and cannabis plants, our Delta 9 THC gummies offer a unique blend of Delta 9 THC and hemp extract tailored to complement the body’s natural rhythms.

There’s a captivating dance between how these gummies interact with the human body during a workout, amplifying potential benefits and enhancing the overall fitness experience.

With the rise of Delta 9 gummies in the athletic community and their potential to aid in recovery, performance, and motivation, it’s an exciting era for fitness enthusiasts.

So, as you gear up for your next session, consider making an informed purchase.

Always remember to strike a balance, understand your body’s needs, and let these gummies be a part of your holistic wellness journey!

To stay updated on all things cannabis and 3CHI, sign up for our newsletter here!

P.S. When you do, you get 5% off your first order and a free pack of gummies!

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