CDT Carts Vs Non-CDT Carts: What’s the Difference?

cdt and botanical vapes and cartridges


The convenience of vaping has quickly made it one of the most popular ways to enjoy the effects of delta 8.  But many newer users see the acronym, “CDT” next to a vape blend and have no idea what it means. Let’s explore what CDT carts are today.

What does CDT signify, what are CDT carts, and how does it influence the vaping experience? 


The Presence of Terpenes

Delta 8 vape cartridges are typically composed of two main ingredients. The first is a premium THC distillate that drives the effects. This oil makes up the majority of the contents of the cartridge. The remaining amount is added terpenes — natural, plant-based flavorings which focus and enhance the effects of the THC. 

Terpenes are useful additions for a number of reasons. These compounds help give many fruits their aroma, and most vapes use “botanical” terpenes, derived from various plants and fruits. These terpenes mostly shape the taste of the vape cartridge, but natural compounds within the terpenes, such as myrcene, are thought to enhance certain aspects of the experience. Lavender, pine, and citrus-fruits are a few of the most common botanical terpene sources. 

CDT on the other hand, indicates that companies extracted the terpenes from cannabis for use in cartridges. CDT stands for “Cannabis-Derived Terpenes,” and this unique source offers several advantages when paired with a given cannabinoid blend. 


Flavors and Feelings

Terpenes derived from sativa plants will help give the delta 8 a more energetic experience, and terpenes from an Indica strain may be more relaxing.

When 3CHI adds cannabis-derived terpenes, it does so to shape the blend’s profile towards a more targeted experience. For example, 3CHI might add terpenes from a popular Indica blend in order to make the active effects more relaxation-driven. 

Additionally, cannabis-derived terpenes have the added benefit of enhancing the vapor with more of the cannabis-flower taste. These terpenes are first and foremost for flavor, and for users seeking a vape product closer to smoking flower, CDTs provide an appealing option.

The vapor of CDT cartridges also can give off an unmistakable cannabis smell, resulting in a fuller and more authentic vaping experience.  

As user testimony builds, a growing number of people within the community swear by the effectiveness of terpenes as a magnifier. 


Finding CDT-Enhanced Carts

Consumers can rest assured knowing that Cannabis-Derived Terpenes are 100 percent natural.

If you’re interested in trying a cartridge enhanced with cannabis derived terpenes, you can follow this link HERE to jump straight to 3Chi’s full selection.

There are currently more than 15 CDT carts offered by 3CHI, each with a unique feel and flavor. Give them a try, and find out if CDTs are right for you.


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