Pairing Delta 8 Products: Delta 8 Cookies and Delta 8 Grenadine Vape



When it comes to using Delta 8 THC, each product type brings something slightly different to the table in terms of flavors and sensations. Recently, it is becoming increasingly popular to combine two or more product types in order to enhance the overall experience. Pairing delta 8 products has never been easier.


Picking the Right Combo

Like a fine wine being served to a dinner party, the most important first step is picking two products with complementary flavors and effects. Doing so will help ensure the experience is every bit as tasty as it is uplifting. 

Let’s look at pairing 3CHI’s Delta 8 Cookies and Grenadine Vape Cartridge. On their own, each of these products is powerful and long lasting. But together, they create a wholly unique and flavorful feel that pulls from the best of both blends.


Why These Two Work 

3Chi’s delta 8 cookies are rich and chocolatey, with a potent profile that typically sets in after about 60 minutes. Edibles on their own are the most powerful of any delta 8 product. Therefore these cookies will be driving the bulk of the effects. 

The Grenadine vape blend is typically a relaxing and euphoric Indica hybrid, well-liked for its balanced profile and delicious flavors. Like grenadine syrup, the cart tastes strongly of cherry and fruity flavors, with notes of herbs and spice. 

When taken together, the paring the two offers a cherry-chocolate taste that reminds one of a savory, fruity chocolate bar from a gourmet shop in Switzerland. 

For best results, alternate between bites of cookie and puffs of Grenadine vapor. Here, moderation is your friend. Since you are taking two delta 8 products simultaneously, it is deceptively easy to take too large a dose and end up feeling overwhelmed. Small puffs and bites will help you bask in the delicious flavors without going overboard on the amount of delta 8 consumed.

From a sensation standpoint, you are probably going to start feeling the effects of the grenadine before the cookie kicks in. Then, as the edible is processed, the effects will build on one another, combining into a powerful relaxing experience that is reportedly smooth and silky from head to toe. In many ways, it is as if the effects of the edible are amplifying those of the Grenadine. You will almost certainly feel the effects of the cookie more strongly, but it will be through the lens of the vape blend, so to speak. 


Finding Products

If you’d like to try this match made in cannabinoid heaven, click HERE to start shopping. 3CHI is the most popular one-stop shop for all delta 8 products. There is a truly enormous selection of carts, edibles, tinctures, and more. Thanks to 3CHI, pairing products has never been easier — or tastier. 

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