Is It Safe to Use Old Delta 8 Products?

Old Delta 8 Safe


Almost every product has a “best by” date, but not every product goes bad immediately after that date. Some, for example, only drop in quality or effectiveness. Still, it is nearly always in the best interest of the user to use these products in the timely manner. So where do old delta 8 products fit into this? Does delta 8 expire? Is it possible to use old delta 8 products? Today we’ll dive into the aging of different types of products, and cover what you can do to identify the ones that have gone bad.


How Old is Too Old?

The biggest question to ask yourself is, “How old is too old?” Here the answer varies wildly, depending on the product in question. Below is a list of a few of the most common types of products and what you should expect from each: 


Baked Edibles

Brownies, cookies, and cereal treats — these types of delta 8 edibles have the shortest shelf life of any product. This is because the fat and sugar will begin to break down as soon as the product is removed from its vacuum seal and exposed to air. Anything that has been open for more than two weeks or so should be disposed of properly. Here, your nose is your friend. If it smells off, throw it away immediately.


Gummy Edibles

Gummies will last significantly longer, as the products will not decompose the same way. When stored in a fridge, gummies can last several months without incident. Look for color changes and any differences in texture as signs of spoiled gummies. An old-fashioned smell test may also prove beneficial.


Vape Cartridges

The good news is that vape carts will last nearly a year when properly stored. Keep them in a cool and dark place until needed, and keep them upright to prevent leakage. If you follow those steps, the odds of your cart getting too old is extremely low.

Should you feel concerned about possible spoilage, the easiest thing to do is check for changes in color and consistency of the oil. The liquid of the standard cartridges should be almost water-clear in color, and extremely thick. If you aren’t sure, give the cart a few puffs. The taste will indicate if the cart needs to be thrown away.


Dabbing Sauces 

Dabbing sauces operate much in the same way as the vape carts. Both are made up of delta 8 distillate oil and terpenes, and should age in identical ways. Again, the color of the oil is the quickest way to judge its age. Changes from the clear oil to yellow, amber, or any other discolored oil should warrant a trip to the trash can. Note that this depends on the oil, as some appear in different color variations when fresh.


What if You’re Not Feeling the Effects?

If you’ve found yourself using an older delta 8 product without success, it may have simply lost the necessary potency. Factors such as heat and direct sunlight can cause the cannabinoid within a product to degrade over time, eventually rendering the entire thing useless. When this occurs, the product is still harmless, but it may not ever work again as intended. You may need to buy a new version in order to see the desired results. This is a large part of the reason it is so important to use your products before the expiration date.


Where to Buy

If you’re looking for new products to replace the old, or are simply hoping to stock up on your favorite options, there is no better place to start than with 3CHI. Not only is 3CHI the most popular delta 8 supplier in the entire country, but it offers a truly enormous selection of premium products.

Choose from more than thirty vape cart blends, or dive into the brownies, cookies, or gummy edibles. All of those options can be found HERE


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