Hot Days & Cold THC Drinks – The Perfect Pair

Hot Days & Cold THC Drinks - The Perfect Pair

The summer heat calls for ice cold, refreshing drinks. But imagine coupling that refreshment with the soothing effects of THC. Enter cannabis-infused drinks: a trendy blend of flavor, refreshment, and relaxation.

Here at 3CHI, we are at the forefront of this burgeoning market, harnessing the power of both Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC to create an array of tantalizing beverages.

With the rise of Delta 8 and Delta 9 drinks, cannabis-infused seltzers are on the move and are becoming not only an attractive alternative to alcohol, but another way for THC lovers to ingest a high-quality THC product.

Over the last few years, cannabis products derived from the cannabis plant have been growing at an accelerated rate.

Let’s dive into this delightful world of THC drinks.

Infused drinks have become much more popular, and a favored option over alcohol.

About Cannabis Infused Drinks

With transformative shifts in the world of cannabis, THC drinks are leading the charge. The rise of cannabis-infused beverages has reshaped the landscape of cannabis consumption.

As individuals look for healthier, more controlled ways to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, these beverages have emerged as a refreshing alternative to traditional methods.

Being at the forefront of this movement, we expertly infuse our drinks with precise doses of THC, ensuring consumers get the desired effect without the guesswork. This precision in dosing, especially with options like low dose beverages, offers individuals an approachable way to integrate cannabis into their routines.

Another appealing aspect of THC drinks is their wellness-centric approach. Many of these beverages are crafted to be low calorie, offering a guilt-free way to relax and rejuvenate. The infusion process ensures that every beverage maintains a consistent dose, which is vital for those who prioritize accurate cannabis consumption.

The popularity of THC drinks has also stemmed from their refreshing nature. Sipping on a chilled cannabis-infused drink provides a pleasurable and often more socially acceptable experience.

In summary, the rise of cannabis-infused drinks signifies a broader shift in cannabis consumption patterns.

As consumers gravitate towards healthier, controlled, and more refreshing methods of enjoying the myriad benefits of cannabis, it’s clear that THC beverages have carved out a significant niche in the market, setting the stage for further innovation and growth.

Many consumers are moving towards healthier options.

Cannabis-infused drinks have gained significant attention in the wellness and recreational markets. These drinks incorporate either THC powder or infused extracts to deliver a controlled, enjoyable experience without the need for smoking or vaping.

From THC drink mixes for those DIY enthusiasts to ready-to-consume beverages, the market is flourishing. We are a brand that has understood the essence of this trend, infusing our drinks with quality and consistency.

Delta 8 Seltzers

Our Delta 8 seltzers in particular stand out in the cannabis drinks landscape. Delta 8, a cannabinoid closely related to the more commonly known Delta 9 THC, offers a slightly different experience.

Delta 8 THC is typically described as being more clear-headed and less sedative. This makes. Delta 8 drink options perfect for those seeking relaxation without the overwhelming effects.

With the growing market of not just cannabis users, but those turning away from alcohol, Delta 8 products have seen an explosive growth over the last few years.

If you’re someone who wants to quit drinking alcohol, but doesn’t want to lose the social aspect of being at the party, Delta 8 seltzers might be just what you’re looking for.

But first, let’s get into how Delta 8 is made.

How Delta 8 is Made

Delta 8 THC, a rising star in the cannabis industry, is crafted through a meticulous conversion process from CBD, a cannabinoid found abundantly in the hemp plant.

Extra, careful steps are taken to insure the plant's integrity while providing benefits legally.

This process involves isolating and refining specific compounds from CBD, transforming them into this unique form of THC. As Delta 8 gains popularity, its application in various products, especially in the drink and beverages industry, is expanding.

Leading this charge of having THC within the beverage space, we pride ourselves in continuing our trend of producing high-quality cannabis-infused products. Our Delta 8 seltzer stands out, marrying the nuanced effects of Delta 8 with the refreshing nature of seltzers.

These drinks are not only palatable, but also offer a controlled dosage, ensuring consumers can enjoy their experience without the unpredictability often associated with cannabis products.

What sets our beverages apart from our competitors is our innovative approach to blending flavors.

While many cannabis drinks on the market focus solely on the wellness aspect, here at 3CHI, we understand that taste and enjoyment are just as important. Our range of cannabis-infused seltzers provides an array of flavors, each designed to tantalize the taste buds while delivering the unique benefits of Delta 8 THC.

For those seeking a great alternative to traditional THC products or just a fresh way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, our new Delta 8 seltzers are paving the way. They encapsulate the brand’s commitment to quality, innovation, and the consumer experience, solidifying their place in the ever-evolving world of cannabis beverages.

We have harnessed this cannabinoid to perfection, creating a Delta 8 drink that not only quenches your thirst, but also ensures a balanced and gentle uplifting effect. Our cannabis drink seltzers are crafted with our consumers in mind, offering a seamless blend of flavor, carbonation, and the unique benefits of Delta 8 THC.

Delta 8 and Delta 9 stay within the confines of the law being derived from hemp.

Delta 9 Seltzers and the Legality Behind Them

But we don’t stop at Delta 8. We’ve ventured into the world of Delta 9 seltzers too.

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t delta 9 THC illegal in many states?”

Delta 9 THC is traditionally associated with marijuana, the psychoactive variant of the cannabis plant. However, there’s a growing interest in extracting Delta 9 THC from hemp, a variant of cannabis that is non-psychoactive and federally legal under certain conditions in many countries. Here’s where it gets interesting.

The Science Behind It

Hemp and marijuana are essentially the same plant species, Cannabis sativa. The differentiation is based on the THC content. While marijuana is rich in THC, hemp contains significantly lower concentrations.

To extract Delta 9 THC from hemp, cultivators have mastered the art of harvesting the hemp plant earlier in its growth cycle. By doing so, they ensure the THC concentration remains below the legal threshold of 0.3% (in the U.S.), thus classifying it as hemp and not marijuana.

Operating under a hemp license allows these cultivators to legally produce and process hemp, paving the way for innovative product formulations.

One such innovative arena is the realm of cannabis infused drinks.

With Delta 9 from hemp, brands like us can offer the unique effects of THC in a drinkable format without crossing legal boundaries. These THC infused drinks are becoming increasingly popular for both their effects and palatability.

Will My Drink Taste Like Weed?

As with any beverage, flavor and taste are paramount. The challenge, therefore, lies in combining the distinct profile of cannabis with flavors that resonate with consumers.

The result? Infused beverages that offer a harmonious blend of relaxation and refreshment.

Brands like ours that focus on these THC drinks have a unique selling proposition: offering the benefits of cannabis infused products that toe the line between hemp and marijuana, all the while ensuring compliance and delivering an experience that’s as delightful in taste as it is in effect.

Even though hemp-derived products are technically legal, you still need to be aware of any further regulations or laws by your city or state to make sure you are within the confines of the law.

Some states may be trying to limit the hemp market entirely, so it’s always a good idea to do your own research about what’s accepted and not in your location.

If you are able to enjoy them, these Delta 9 drinks are perfect for those seeking the classic effects of THC in a delicious, refreshing form.

Imagine lounging by the pool or enjoying a sunset with a chilled cannabis drink that’s both legal and satisfying.

Cannabis drinks offer a plethora of benefits.

Benefits of Drinking Cannabis

The rising popularity of cannabis drinks, such as Delta 8 shots or Delta 9 seltzers, isn’t just because of their refreshing nature. Here’s why they’re making waves:


Firstly, the convenience of these beverages is unparalleled. THC infused drinks come in a ready-to-consume format, eliminating the need for any preparation or paraphernalia. Whether you’re heading to a social gathering or simply lounging at home, these drinks can effortlessly accompany you anywhere.


Unlike traditional smoking methods, which can draw attention due to the distinct aroma of cannabis, THC infused beverages allow for a more private consumption experience. You can enjoy the benefits of THC without drawing any unwanted attention.

Without odor or smoke, it’s just a simple drink that could easily be mistaken for any other beverage.

Low Calories and Low Dosage

Companies like ours ensure each cannabis-infused drink has a consistent THC content, allowing consumers to monitor and control their intake better.

Moreover, we are able to offer low calorie and low dose options. This caters to the health-conscious consumer who’s cautious about their intake. With both Delta 8 and Delta 9 beverages finding their place in this sphere, we are able to offer yet another dimension to the cannabis market.

The Power of Options

When it comes to taste, these drinks are a far cry from the stereotypical earthy flavors often associated with cannabis products. Brands are infusing their beverages with a variety of flavors, ranging from fruity to floral, ensuring there’s a taste to suit every palate.

From THC drink mixes, allowing you to craft your own flavors and strengths, to ready-to-drink delta 8 seltzers, there’s something for everyone.

Social Aspect

Much like sharing a cold beer or cocktail, THC drinks bring about a social element. Sharing a hemp drink at a gathering can be a fun, new way to connect with friends.

In essence, THC drinks, whether they’re light Delta 8 sips or more robust Delta 9 concoctions, are revolutionizing the way we perceive and consume cannabis. Their blend of convenience, discretion, and variety make them a modern, enjoyable, and versatile choice for today’s cannabis enthusiast.

With cannabis drinks, you won't have to tell yourself, "I'm never drinking again."

Step Aside, Alcohol

As the wellness movement gains momentum, many are rethinking their drink choices. An increasing number of individuals are ditching traditional alcoholic beverages for Delta 8 and Delta 9 infused drinks.

Brands like ours are at the forefront of this shift, offering beverages that meld relaxation with the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids.

One compelling reason? Waking up fresh, without the dreaded hangover that often accompanies a night of heavy drinking.

Furthermore, the appeal of these THC-infused beverages extends beyond just avoiding hangovers. Studies have shown that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease, increase the risk of depression, and can even shorten life expectancy by several years.

In contrast, cannabinoids have been linked to numerous health benefits, ranging from pain relief to potential anxiety reduction.

As most of us unfortunately know, alcohol can be your best friend Friday night and your worst nightmare Saturday morning.

Our range of drinks provides a refreshing and health-conscious alternative for those seeking relaxation without the negative repercussions of alcohol.

In the ever-evolving landscape of beverage choices, it’s clear that THC-infused options, like those from 3CHI, are carving a prominent niche.

The Benefits of Cannabis

The world of cannabis extends far beyond the stereotypical marijuana plant. While it’s widely known for its recreational use and psychoactive properties, the cannabis family offers a multitude of health benefits from its CBD and THC derivatives.

The hemp plant is widely misunderstood, but contains endless benefits.

Hemp: The Unsung Hero

Hemp has a rich history of cultivation due to its fiber, seeds, and oil. Current research suggests its effectiveness in potentially easing some aches and pains. With a bounty of essential fatty acids, hemp seeds foster a robust digestive system. Its rich protein and fiber content also play a role in supporting our immune system.

CBD: The Wellness Beacon

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is steadily gaining traction in the wellness sphere. CBD drinks and other products cater to a growing audience seeking stress and anxiety relief. As CBD lacks the psychoactive properties found in THC, it provides relaxation without the associated high.

Opting for CBD infused drinks can be an enjoyable method to experience these prospective advantages.

THC: More Than Just a High

Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, offers more than just euphoria. When consumed in the right dosage, THC drinks can induce relaxation and might even provide relief from certain discomforts.

Choosing THC infused drinks can offer an innovative and enjoyable alternative to traditional smoking methods.

Supporting the Endocannabinoid System

The synergistic blend of hemp, CBD, and THC has the potential to nourish our body’s endocannabinoid system. This intricate system oversees various physiological processes, from mood modulation to pain perception.

Regular consumption of these cannabinoids might offer enhanced support to this vital bodily system.

CBD molecule.

3CHI: Pioneers in Cannabis Quality

In the ever-evolving cannabis market, we have distinguished ourselves at 3CHI with our premium cannabis-infused drinks. Our range, encompassing THC infused drinks full of flavor and benefits, is lauded for their exceptional quality. Our unwavering dedication to sourcing reputably ensures consumers access the very best in cannabis products.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, the world of cannabis beverages is blossoming, with companies like ours leading the charge. Our dedication to quality, combined with innovative offerings like hemp-derived Delta 9 and Delta 8 seltzers, sets us apart.

Whether you’re new to cannabis or a seasoned enthusiast, there’s no denying that some cold THC drinks on a hot day is an experience worth trying. So, the next time the temperature rises, consider reaching for a refreshing cannabis-infused drink from our premium lineup.

It’s a pairing you won’t regret.

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