Category Archives: Delta 8 THC

How and When Did Delta 8 THC Become Legal?


The cannabis community is rapidly becoming aware of Delta 8 THC. It appeared seemingly-overnight like some strange internet trend and is growing in popularity rapidly. But unlike those trends, Delta-8 is here to stay. This new THC sits poised to claim a massive chunk of the cannabis market in the US. So where exactly did […]

Delta 8 THC is Cleaner, Energetic, and Best of all — Legal

The 3CHI Difference delta 8 pioneers

The cannabis smoked today hasn’t changed much from what the free souls of Woodstock rolled up a generation ago (or many years before that). From the 70s to 2020, the potency has increased dramatically — but otherwise little has changed in the way users interact with the plant they love. But that all changed late […]

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