Why You Should Buy Your Delta 8 Distillate in a Syringe

delta 8 THC distillate syringe


Delta 8 distillate is popular in large part thanks to its customizability, giving users the opportunity to make THC products directly. But the oil itself is extremely thick, and can be difficult to work for anyone new to the world of cannabinoids. If you’re planning to buy some distillate for personal use, it’ll be easiest to start with a distillate syringe. 


Easy to Dose

The main advantage of using a syringe is the ease of dosing. 3CHI syringes come with exactly one gram of premium distillate, and have convenient measurements on the side to allow for accurate dispensing. Unlike scooping distillate out of a jar, which can be an imprecise art to say the least, the syringe tells you exactly how much you’ve used — and how much you have left.

When making edibles or mixing custom vape blends, the distillate ratio is extremely important. So, rather than trying to scoop the distillate into a measuring cup or other tool, simply start with a syringe and let it do the work for you. 


Easy to Dispense 

Building on that idea, a distillate syringe is the ideal way to dispense the oil. The needle tip allows you to squeeze out the desired amount of distillate extremely accurately, and significantly reduces the risk of spilling some of the product. We do not recommend customers to attempt to fill or refill their own carts. There are few things more frustrating than spilled distillate. This leads directly to the next point: cleaning and putting away the product. 


Easy Cleanup 

Once spilled, the oil becomes extremely difficult to clean up. It readily sticks to all surfaces, including any tools used to move the distillate, and will likely require both soap and scrubbers to get it off. Imagine this: You’re hoping to make a batch of edibles. You can either transfer the oil from a jar to the batter, potentially spilling, and at the very least making a spoon or other tool messy. Or you can simply squeeze the syringe and add the delta 8 directly to the bowl.

Additionally, once the syringe is empty, it is designed to be easily refilled. You can buy jars of distillate and pour the contents into the end of the syringe after warming, ensuring all future projects will remain equally hassle-free. 


Easy to Warm Up

Delta 8 distillate must be heated prior to use. The oil is so thick that at room temperature it behaves almost like a solid. Without heat, the distillate is nearly impossible to work with.

Fortunately, 3CHI syringes are built to be heated. The small glass cylinder is the perfect size for placing under a warm water bath or near a hair dryer. When dealing with a jar of distillate, you first need to extract the intended amount, and then heat that separately in a different container. This is far more labor-intensive, and will likely lead to a longer cleanup on the other end.



In short, syringes are the ideal way to work with delta 8 distillate. They are convenient, accurate, and simply better in nearly every measurable way. Next time you’re planning to work with delta 8 at home, save yourself the trouble and buy a syringe.

You can find delta 8 syringes at this link HERE. 3CHI is the most popular delta 8 supplier in the country, and offers some of the highest quality distillate found anywhere in the world. 


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