Author Archives: Colin Slager

Delta 11 THC: A New Chapter in Hemp Innovation

Delta 11 THC: A New Chapter in Hemp Innovation

The landscape of cannabis products is vast and ever-changing, with Delta 11 THC emerging as a novel contender that’s catching the eye of cannabis consumers. As a company deeply entrenched in the world of hemp derived cannabinoids, we at 3CHI have had the unique opportunity to witness firsthand the development and excitement surrounding this new […]

Microdosing with Cannabis: A New Way to Consume Cannabis

Microdosing with Cannabis: A New Way to Consume Cannabis

Microdosing cannabis is a nuanced approach to cannabis consumption that’s gaining traction among cannabis users who seek to harness the plant’s potential benefits without the overwhelming effects often associated with higher doses. This technique involves taking very small amounts of THC to achieve desired effects, such as enhanced creativity, reduced stress, and improved mood, without […]

High Hiking: Exploring Nature with Delta 9 THC

High Hiking: Exploring Nature with Delta 9 THC

There’s something undeniably magical about the combination of Delta 9 THC and the great outdoors. Whether you’re scaling a rugged peak, meandering through a verdant forest, or simply soaking in the panoramic views from a hilltop, high hiking and exploring nature with some Delta 9 edibles can transform your hiking experience into something truly extraordinary. […]

Independent Lab Study Shows Safety of 3CHI’s Delta 8 Oil in High Doses

Hera Biolabs Shows Safety of 3CHI's Delta 8 Oil in High Doses

We recently sponsored a comprehensive study to explore the safety profile of Delta 8 THC (d8PLAT) in a controlled scientific setting. Today, we’re thrilled to share insights from this landmark research, aiming to demystify Delta 8 and its effects, ensuring you stay informed and confident in your choices. The Delta 8 Study at a Glance […]

Traveling with Delta 8 THC Vape Pens

Traveling with Delta 8 THC Vape Pens

Navigating the skies with your favorite vape pen tucked safely in your carry on might seem like a daunting task, especially for those of us who cherish the nuanced experiences offered by hemp derived products. Traveling with Delta 8 isn’t completely impossible, but you do have to exercise caution and educate yourself on the best […]

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