Best Foods to Combine with Delta 8 Distillate

Best foods to add Delta 8 THC to
There are many different types of cannabinoids available on the market, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Which one is the best for you? How does it work? One of the most popular cannabinoids is Delta 8 THC. Many have said that they are adding Delta 8 into their foods. Is that possible? Surprisingly, it’s easy to infuse foods with Delta 8 THC distillate. Here’s how.


Distillate is one type of product form of Delta 8 THC oil. This liquid comes in a syringe and can be easily added to food. With the distillate, consumers have control over the amount of mg in their home-made edible. 3CHI offers a high-quality delta 8 distillate that makes working with the oil quick and painless. Not only are 3CHI’s delta 8 products the most popular in the country, but 3CHI was actually the first US company to offer federally legal delta 8 products.


When you infuse foods with Delta 8 THC distillate, the possibilities seem endless. Here’s a simple list of ways you can add Delta 8 into your daily meals. Make sure to use caution when adding Delta 8 into your foods. Adding too much could have adverse affects than what you were expecting. Start small and add slowly after you begin to feel the effects. You can always add to your experience but you can’t take away. Breakfast: – Add yogurt, granola, and a few drops of distillate to have a morning parfait to relax and get ready for a busy day. – Boil some oatmeal and add a few drops of distillate to the finished meal to prep for the day ahead. Lunch: – A few drops of distillate soak well into the bread of any sandwich, whether it be a purchased sub, a homemade sandwich, or a fast food burger. – Any take-out can have a few drops of distillate added to sauces, like ketchup or mustard. Dinner: -Pasta always comes with great sauces, whether from a can or made on the stove top. Adding a few drops of distillate to a pot of pasta sauce can be a delicious addition to the end of a stressful day. -How about some homemade meatloaf or cooking something in the oven? Put a few drops of distillate over what you are making so that it can seep into the food and create a cannabinoid infused dinner for all. Dessert: -Try adding distillate to brownies, cookies, treats and more.


Of course, when infusing foods with Delta 8 THC, make sure that everyone is over the age of 21. Also make sure that everyone who will be eating the food has agreed to the consumption of Delta 8 THC. Make sure to research the state laws in your area to make sure that Delta 8 THC is legal. Though Delta 8 is federally legal, states have their own laws. If experimenting with home-made edible cooking isn’t for you, 3CHI offers a wide variety of edible options that already include Delta 8.

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